Sunday, October 12, 2008

Just a simple politicol thought...

Does anyone truly understand that the President of the United States is not the one who got us into the trouble that we are in right now?

I know, many people would love to disagree right now, but many of you are forgetting your Government 101. It isn't the President who makes the laws, it is congress! That's right, Congress makes the laws that the President either vetoes or signs into law. It is congress that has been racking up the deficit with all the "pork" that they are so eager to create. It is congress and Nancy Pelosi who are eager to keep us from becoming independant from the oil nations by blocking our US Oil companies from drilling offshoe, or in Alaska, or even in the Rockies where there is enough oil for hundreds of years. But what about protecting the earth? With all of the modern advances in drilling safety, the animals are actually doing better where there are gas/oil pipelines now then ever before? Why? Because we are cleaning up these areas for the environment and helping the animals survive. But what about Global Warming? Get real people! Global warmin is cyclical! It gets warm, it gets cold. And while it may be true that the North Polar Ice Cap is shrinking, no one ever mentions that the South Polar Ice Cap is actually growing. Hmm. If it were melting, wouldn't we be lossing states like California? Not on your life. Not to mention that the science Al Gore used was faulty at best? Since when did a politician become a scientist?

Okay, so maybe I'm just rambling at moment, but mark my words, if the dem's have their way in November, this country will go down the tubes in a heartbeat. We need to really look at the issues and point the fingers at who is truly to blame for the mess we are in with our economy. Did you know that the second largest benefactor of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is Barrak Obama? Stop listening to the political bias of the news media and do some research yourself. It might shock you with the truth.