Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Eating humble pie...

Not that I really have much to say tonight, but I thought it has been a while since I posted and would take a few moments to do so. For the last few weeks, I have been meeting with our youth director. Twice, he has missed a meeting or whatever, Yesterday, it was my turn. I completely forgot about our meeting for 7:00 a.m. Talk about eating your own words and having to apologize profusely over this. I normally pride myself for being on time, thanks to a loving wife who has shown me the error of my previous ways. I use a calandar to keep dates straight and times down, but for some reason, I missed my appointment altogether. I guess I needed to eat a little humble pie and remember I'm human just like anyone else is.

On a lighter note, I have been really enjoying my experiences of teaching Latin I and II to a super group of students. However, my students are not a part of a regular school, but an online academy. I have students now who are from Haiti, Africa, and several states here in the good ol' U.S. of A. What makes it really cool is that I can "Skype" them for free and talk in real time over the wonders of the internet. I made a "Skype call" tonight to my student, who is S. Korean but lives with her missionary parents in Africa. The call was remarkably clear and with little or no delays. We've talked on a regular phone with my sister-in-law in Bangledesh with some lag becasue of the satalite feeds. Wow, it amazes me just how far technology has brought us. It also shows me just how small our world really is, and what a Mighty God we serve is.

Other than that, not much else to report from the Eagle's Nest. Oh, I started a Thomas Kinkade puzzle last night with my wife. You know, one of those 1,000 piece puzzles? Why do I torture myself this way? Oh well, I love his art work and am looking forward to solving the puzzle.